Project iKy is a tool that collects information from an email and shows results in a nice visual interface.
This project was created as a POC (Proof Of Concept) for #eko13. We got excited when we saw that the people got interested in this project so we decided to release the source code and to plan a brand new version of it. We hope the proyect will keep growing in the future.
The design is based on ngx-admin because we found it was beautiful. Several changes where made in the colour scheme and in the code.
The frontend uses Angular 7 and the backend was written in python. Flask and celery are the main libraries used.
We use nodejs, we use git to manage the project code and we use redis to store the results and to improve the response times.
Really nice and friendly interface
Just enter the email and the app does the rest.
The user interface lets you know what it is doing.
Neuroscience concludes that our brains interpret graphs and visualizations better than numbers and texts.
Several modules gather information including Github, keybase, twitter, leaks and fullcontact... and it keeps growing.
A profile is generated based on the data gathered.
A timeline with all the important events
The UI provides an easy way to configure the APIs that are used to gather information.
Filter windows validation.
This is a menu to start another gather process, generate report and download raw JSON.